I love Fresca. You know, that kinda tart, grapefruity soda that people either love or hate. I think more people than not hate it, but I've loved it since I was a kid. My mom would drink it sometimes, and I would snitch some from the bottle (I wonder if she ever figured that out...).
I am not a big soda drinker at all -- soda's fizziness annoys me and makes me burpy. But I do keep a 12 pack of Fresca in the house for those times when I want some soda. (aside -- TheHusband, OTOH, is a total soda-hound, with Pepsi being his libation of choice.) Funnily enough, it came out the year I was born, so we will both be 44 this year. Yay, us!

Anyway, there is a sort of point to this discourse on Fresca. It involves a fight over a single can of Fresca. About 4 years ago, I had the great pleasure to attend a real Hollywood premiere of a movie. I know the person who wrote and directed that movie very well and was honored (and totally juiced) to be invited. I flew out to LA from MD on a Tuesday evening, attended the premiere on Wednesday night, and flew back the next day. A whirlwind.
But not only did I get to go to this premiere, I got to go in the limo with writer/director, his family and other friends. One of the other people in the limo was my brother (of the bicycling-across-America fame). I think I've been in a limo only two other times in my life (other than the beaten up ones that take you to-and-from airports in NYC area). This was a king of limos -- a white, stretch Cadillac Escalade. The damn thing was as big as a Rose Bowl Parade float and had about the same turning radius. Only slightly worse than my Mazda station wagon, actually, but that's a separate issue. I needed a freaking stool to get into it, because I am short and it was HUGE.

And I watched the movie with my eyes closed, because it was a scary movie, and I'm a wimp. The Fresca didn't fix that.
For some reason I like the first sip from a can of Fresca and hate the second or third. It's a small doses thing.
Also, if the premiere was what I think it was: SWEEEEEEET! Just had to say that.
Eric, yes, the premiere is what you think it is. Sweet for you, perhaps. Scary for me. :-)
Grapefruit minty? How about a Fresca Mohito?
The Teflon Spouse and I split mohitos: he gets the rum, and I get the fru-fru. Works for us. We do get some odd looks from the wait staff...
i totally agree with eric about the progressive yuckness of fresca. the aspartame seems to expand with each sip. glad we split it several ways, though these days i'd probably go for the champagne.
I can't stand Fresca (or any diet drink), but I do like Squirt quite a bit, despite its unfortunate name. Now that's a good grapefruit flavored drink.
YES! Yay Squirt! :D
I have a can of that open right now, in fact...
I worship fresca. Seriously... They could sell it by the ounce on the street it's so satisfying.
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