28 May 2009

Neurology 101 -- Find the abnormality

At least it explains the back pain.


vince said...

I would normally respond the the "find the abnormality" part while ignore what it's actually pointing at, but back pain just plain sucks.

I don't pretend I can find it there, but it's good that a doctor can, and that the pain can be reduced, even if it involves ::shudder:: needles.

John the Scientist said...

Ooooh, that looks nasty. Hope they can fix you up.

neurondoc said...

Vince, it hurts enough that the needles don't seem *quite* so bad. Although I will need (want) plenty of drugs to get through it...

Jim Wright said...

Hmmm, one of those disks doesn't look like the others.

[I'm not a doctor, but I play one on the Internets]

neurondoc said...

Cha-ching! Jim is the WINNAH! Yup. L2-3, which is an atypical disc to herniate and explains the lack of response to PT (targeted towards the lower lumber discs).

I will be speaking with my doc tomorrow, but I suspect that a very big needle is in my near future...

Lorraine said...


Sending good thoughts your way that the needle will be ever so thin and the drugs ever so good.

ExpatMom said...

Mmmm... drugs.

Seriously: just had a root canal with no more than minor discomfort (so far, crossed fingers) because of our special friend Mr. Drugs. Yay Mr. Drugs!

Keep us posted.

Doug M.

neurondoc said...

Doug -- they gave you drugs for that? I've heard the stories, you know. "Oh, you just had a hernia operation? Here's some Ibuprofen...."

WendyB_09 said...

Youch! I've had to look at enough client disc images this year I got it right away.

Here's to a quick recovery now that they know where to target the treatments.
