The allergist took a reasonable history and did a quick exam. TPT has never had an ear infection, doesn't have asthma, has no environmental allergies that I am aware of. She is probably the most boring kid he's seen all week. Then came the prick tests. I didn't want to tell her about it prior to the visit, because then she'd just worry and worry. So I told her after the doctor left (coward) and before the medical assistant came in to do the dirty work. TPT was tested for allergies to clams, crabs, shrimp, lobster (thermidor?), and scallops. He also tested her for allergies to wheat, milk, soy, peanuts, and tree-nuts. Why he tested those is beyond me, because she eats wheat, milk, soy, and peanut products with zeal and glee. Not too much in the way of tree-nuts, but not because of allergy. His reasoning for doing the tests was "just to be totally sure", which seemed weak. Probably a combo of CYA medicine and jack-up-the-price medicine. (Why yes, I am cynical. Thank you.) Add in the histamine and saline prick tests, and that meant that she had 14 pricks in her back.
Which comes to the point of the post. She cried. And begged me to stop them from doing it. I held her hand and kissed her head, and told her it would be over soon. After the tech left the room, I told her one of her favorite stories about when she was a baby to distract her for the 20 minutes we had to wait. She wanted me to take this picture so she could see what her back looked like.

The only one that turned up positive was the histamine one (which is done to be sure that the patient can mount an allergic skin response). So crab feast, here we come! TheHusband was ready to hop in the car and go off to Atlantic City to a really amazing all-you-can-eat seafood buffet, but we have plans this weekend, so I nixed that idea. He'll get to eat crabs to his heart's content, as will TPT (hopefully).
Yeah, it's tough to watch you child cry and ask you to have something stop that you know she needs to have done. My daughter had a number of medicl problems when she was very young, including hips that hadn't fully developed and required this vrace that she just hated and cried all the time she had to wear it, and another problem that ultimately required that they do some tests that required she have a catheter, which was very uncomfortable and made her cry as well.
Some parts of parenting just suck.
I'm glad TPT is pretty much allergy free. And an all-you-can-eat fish buffet? 'Tis to drool for.
Poor PinkThing! I remember that - and I had it ALL OVER my back and up and down the back of my arms. With Sharpie labels for each allergen. I was so miserable...
I'm very glad she's allergy free - and even more glad it's over for her. :)
I remember those days. Now that they're adults, I no longer have to witness those particular traumas.
But I have news for you - it still hurts inside when they fail, or get their heart broken, or make bad choices.
Stupid parenthood.
Allergy prick test...ah the pain. Remember mine well and that was well over 35 years ago.
Had the main grid on my back, then they had to retest some on my arms because one of the reactions was so severe it took over several other grid points. Don't remember which it was, probably mold or one of the grass pollens.
Too bad they've never come up with a better testing system. I was 18 when I had mine and they hurt like hell.
So glad the tests were negative. TPT may not appreciate the peace of mind that gives, but I bet you do!
Thomas had allergy testing done when he was 5 or 6. Didn't cry but was not a happy camper, as I recall. That testing really does suck. Luckily, he had no reactions strong enough to call them allergies. He was slightly sensitive to grass pollens and dust, and we were warned that he might develop full blown allergies to them later. So far he hasn't.
I'm sorry my baby girl was cryin but the tears are gone and she happily skipped down the road to the school bus this morning.
Now, YOU will be crying when you see how long it takes to eat at Atlantic City's Waterfront Buffet
(formerly known at the Fantasea Reef Buffet which was formally known as the Neptune's Seafood Buffet, which of course used to be known as the Under The Sea Buffet which was previously known as Harrah's Cafeteria!
If that doesn't work out, there is always good ol' Bottom of the bay in picturesque Laurel, MD but remember:
"Do not share the feast. People caught sharing the feast will be charged for sharing the feast. If you are caught sharing, eating, taking, secreting or otherwise procuring any portion of the feast, you will be billed extra for attempting to overindulge in this delicious most extravagant, wonderful feast!"
However, I don't believe either of these two most yummy places serve Lobster Thermidor but I will try and make do :-(
TH: Maybe next time I get down to visit with all of you! Sounds yummy.
Yay ability to eat unlimited seafood. :) I think that's the important part.
Yikes. Poor TPT. Thank goodness the allergy worries came to nothing. Yes, it does hurt when they do. Hugs to you, too. {{{parental trauma}}}
TH wasn't is the room with you, was he? I, for one, cannot stand the sight of my daughter crying...
Glad that TPT is allergy-free. The only good thing coming out of my many allergies when I was a child is the ability to come up with a plausible reason for not getting a pet when my kids ask for one...
TH was not in the room with us, Ilya. I am the one responsible for doctor's visits. When she got a laceration in her eyebrow stitched up, TH had a hard time. He couldn't watch. I (not shockingly) had my beady eyes on the doc at all times while holding TPT's hand. I can divorce the "Mommy" (or "Wife) part of me from the "Doctor" part in medical situations.
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