I am The Mistress of the Hippocampus. Keep that in mind.
19 October 2009
RIF and the pneumatic gun
Just for Jim, from TheHusband's copy of "Rudder"...
The recruit getting his skanky teeth brushed is TheHusband. Note the BC glasses and the gorgeous hair style, courtesy of the US government -- for free! The poor guy getting vaccinated is a random cohort of TH's, name unknown.
Ahhhh the text marking pen! You know, I actually found one of those when I was going through an old box of things from the Navy days. Even had the stencil too!
One of my memories was ALWAYS at chow time... "Respect my bright-work gentlemen. You scuff it YOU buff it. You smear it YOU WILL clear it. ..."
With such a pleasant greeting at the start of every meal, I was always eager to go!
We had a measles epidemic while I was in high school, and they lined us all up to get shot by pneumatic guns. That was an interesting experience. I pretended they were Star Trek hyposprays. ;)
Yeah, thanks for the memories. Crud, I can still remember that RIF smell, fear, laundry marker, and that dye they used on the dungarees. Gak.
Ahhhh the text marking pen! You know, I actually found one of those when I was going through an old box of things from the Navy days. Even had the stencil too!
One of my memories was ALWAYS at chow time... "Respect my bright-work gentlemen. You scuff it YOU buff it. You smear it YOU WILL clear it. ..."
With such a pleasant greeting at the start of every meal, I was always eager to go!
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little, remembering that text marking pen smell.
I just wanted to bring back vivid memories...
I remember the vaccination gun, but us Air Force types had it easier than you Navy types. Bwahahahaha!
I don't know if I ever got a shot from a vaccination gun. Lucky, I guess. :)
For free?
In the army we had to pay for the weekly sheep shearing. 35 cents as I recall, took under a minute.
They also scheduled PT after inoculations, to work out the stiffness.
I think only that first haircut was free. :-)
We had a measles epidemic while I was in high school, and they lined us all up to get shot by pneumatic guns. That was an interesting experience. I pretended they were Star Trek hyposprays. ;)
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