But back to the point. TheHusband loves a soda called Cotton Club Cherry Strawberry. We can only find it in Cleveland, not in Columbus, and we couldn't even find it on-line. When we think about it, we call my mother-in-law a week or so before we go to Cleveland, and she sends my stepfather-in-law (SFiL) out on a reconnaissance mission. The last two times we were in Cleveland, none was found.

The soda is okay if you like sweet, moderately fizzy soda that tastes RED. It really doesn't taste like either cherry or strawberry, or even a mixture of the two. It just tastes RED. Sort of like how red sucking candies or red lollipops taste RED.
Anyway, ThePinkThing likes to drink this stuff as much as her father does. What kid doesn't like soda, right? That's part of it. But the rest of the lure of the cherry strawberry soda has to do with the fuss we make about it. We call it "Dadddy's Private Stock" or "PS" for short. And she and I make a point of sneaking it when he's not home. Of course, TPT is 6, and can't keep a secret for the life of her, so she always tells. Then TheHusband looks mad or horrified or surprised. She thinks it's hilarious. We thinks it's funny and both play along. And she gets to drink soda. Win all around.
Tonight, as I was writing this blog post, I googled Cotton Club and found it for sale on a site I'd never seen before, called sodafinder.com. I might have to eat my words, now. The stuff's going for $22 per 12-pack! Now TheHusband wants to sell the remaining bottles on eBay. If he does, I'm going to tell on him, and ThePinkThing will be pissed...
I drink about 2 six packs of Pepsi a year, other than eating at fast food joints (when traveling mostly).
My wife and I are very into food, we've well over 40 cubic feet of freezer and several gross of pint jars (home canned food) in the basement.
I've also two hams hanging since January.
ntsc -- I've already wandered through your blog and I must say that the end products all look/sound yummy. TheHusband subsists on soda, but he's too old for me to change...
I am...mortified.
ntsc, that's some good looking food you have there. The trout looked especially nice.
Why are you mortified, Nathan? Is it that you despise soda and all people who drink soda? Or are you horrified by food that tastes RED? Or that (horror upon horror) I let my 6 year-old drink soda on occasion (it's been said to me before)? Inquiring minds, and all that...
I once read that America's favorite flavor of Jello is RED....
Why am I mortified? Not because of any prejudice against soda. But that...stuff isn't soda. It's a science project that was never meant to be consumed.
It tastes...RED?
Meet me at Artie's delicatessen (West 83rd and Broadway) sometime this summer and I will bring a bottle of the stuff!
You will be converted!!!
I'll be converted? Yeah right. That's what John said about the stinky tofu.
Nathan, I promise that this soda doesn't resemble stinky tofu in the least bit. I don't think stinky tofu tastes RED.
Omg where did your SFiL find it? My grandma used to buy it all the time & I haven't had it in ages
My SFiL and others have bought it in the Cleveland area. I'm not sure which stores.
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